About Me

What Makes Me Tick

Hi everyone! My name is Akshara Senthil, and I’m so delighted to see that you’ve made your into this little corner of the internet. I’m starting this blog with the hope that I can share a little bit of my story to anyone that would like to lend an ear. 

When I was 5 years old, my beautiful brother was born. He was wide-eyed, and was blessed with a golden laugh. He sure was popular among all of our parents’ friends and family! Soon after, it became clear that something wasn’t quite right. The only toy that caught his attention were his precious alphabets, and he often played with them by himself. Although he was comfortable being passed lap to lap, he never quite took notice of who was holding him. He was a curious boy, but his attention was never in one place, especially when he was being called. 

He was diagnosed with autism at 2 years old. And at only 7, I had no idea. I continued to tell others that my brother was simply a late talker, completely oblivious to the silent struggle my parents must have been going through. My mother didn’t let me know of this until very recently, and I now see her in a new light. Although I don’t know much, I do know how difficult it can be to put a smile on your face for someone else, when your own day hadn’t been that great. 

As I grew older, I had my fair share of struggles trying to tell my friends about my brother. I was often met with disbelief, shock, and denial— I had friends tell me that it couldn’t be true! Outrageous, isn’t it? But no. They were young as well. There is little education in this world regarding people with disabilities and how we must all treat them with love, understanding, and patience. It is my hope that this blog helps others do exactly that, and provide a glimpse into my life, as well as others who have or know of another with special needs. 

I’ll be thrilled to have you along with me on this journey 🙂